Don't worry friends, I am here with a story and opinion to share...obviously!
Lately I have been thinking of the phrase "you are what you eat" based on a documentary, Food Inc, I watched a couple of weeks ago. Before I share my opinion about the documentary, I want to put it out there and take ownership regarding the fact that all documentaries have a political agenda and it's important to take that in consideration when you are absorbing the material presented. This documentary, in particular, examines corporate farming in America. I was moved by this documentary because through research, images, and stories, I was reminded that there is truth in the statement you are what you are eat. This documentary shed light on the reality that agribusiness produce food that is not only unhealthy in a way that is environmentally harmful but also abusive of both animals and employees. One statement that really stood out to me was, "The industry doesn't want you to know the truth about what you are eating because if you knew, you might not eat it." As a result of viewing this documentary, I have made some SERIOUS changes to what I put into my body.
Perhaps I may have already lost some of you because this may appear as "another fad diet" but I want to give you a little food for thought. The next time you are sitting down alone or with others admiring your nice T-Bone steak (y'all know I am a sucker for steak) or plumb chicken breast, consider how it got that way.
This documentary (and additional research I did on my own) highlights the reality of how meat in the U.S. is currently processed. Did you know that the egg-to-life of a chicken is now six weeks old?
I saw large corporations give this little guy and his friends a hormone shot that within days developed them into full-grown chickens. |
I am not saying that you should stop eating meat completely because I currently consider myself a flexaterian; I prefer to reduce/eliminate my meat intake but if and when I do eat it, I am all about free-range, organic, grass fed, and ethical animal treatment. I am just saying that you should do your research, consider watching documentaries like Food Inc, and maybe reconsider what you put into your body. Think about the phrase "you are what you eat." I don't know about you, but I want the ingredients that I put into my body to represent who I am: 100% natural (authentic) , free range (to do anything and live life), and healthy (committed to living a good lifestyle).
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