Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Before I Go To Sleep

Last night my book club and I met to discuss Before I Go To Sleep by S.J. Watson. This is by far the best book that we have read so far because it is a page turner. I don't want to give you a summary spoiler, but I will share broad information. Basically, a woman named Christine suffers from amnesia due to an accident she encountered. She wakes up next to her husband, Ben, every morning at different stages of her life (i.e. as a child, college student, adult). In an attempt to remind his wife of her life, Ben has placed various photos of her and them together on the bathroom mirror. According to Ben, he can't provide more photos of their past or belongings because they had a bad fire in their previous house. However, her questions of doubt becomes too intense, therefore she starts to secretly see a doctor (Dr. Nash) on the side to help trigger her memory. Dr. Nash suggests to Christine that she should start a diary and document her day-to-day activities and memories of her former life. The first sentence in her diary is: DO NOT TRUST BEN. These little words captured the reader me because you start to question why and you are determined to find out why and whose motivates are genuine. I recognize that my brief summary isn't giving this book justice because I don't want to give everything away. But for real- recommend this read to your book club or find some time over the holiday break because it is just that good.

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