Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A Pinterest inspired purchase

To all of y'all who have been following my blog for a while, you know that I am pretty much obsessed with Pinterest. In fact, I often tell my close friends that I wish I could live 1/2 of the life that I pin. I'd be the world's best cook, best dressed, and most inspirational gal with a killer body. I'd have unlimited funds that would allow me to design a house that every home and garden magazine would feature on their front cover and I'd have a lot of free time to volunteer and attempt DIY projects.

Although this is clearly not my reality, lately I have been telling people that I want to take action and re-create the multiple images that I pin and like on the website. I thought I was going to start off with a new recipe but there was a slight change of plans because my friend V hooked me up with a legit coupon to Macy's this morning. It was too good to pass and I instantly asked myself, "Why not get the white Michael Kor's watch you pinned a few weeks ago!?"

I am not one to spend money on myself but I couldn't get the phrase "treat yo self" out of my mind all day. (PLUS I had a coupon). I'm glad I listened to my inner voice and headed straight to the store after work. Not going to lie- pretty excited about my new Pinterest-inspired addition to my watch collection! What do y'all think of my new purchase?

Thanks, V!
P.S.- If you are totally confused about what Pinterest is (cough... Mama), feel free check our this website so you can get down with the lingo.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The power of being gentle

I swear the universe was on my side today when I encountered a friend's tweet about "A love letter for anyone who needs some calm and kindness in their life." He shared a link to Sarah Lillian O'Connell's powerful words that could not have come at a better time for me. I hope her message also resonates with you because I've discovered that too often it's easy to forget the importance of being gentle.

Be Gentle

Be gentle with yourself.
Walk with purpose and poise.
A stubbed toe can bring down the best of us.

Be kind to yourself.
Mistakes do not define us.
A typo in an email or missed appointment is not representative of our character.

Be aware of your environment.
Surround yourself with beauty.
If you can’t afford beauty, find a park, a free museum, a clear sky.

Be in touch with yourself.
Release your pain with physical acts.
Run fast or run slow, cry hard or cry loud – how else can one feel alive?

Be mindful of yourself.
Allow a screenless silence into your day.
Put away the phone, the laptop; turn off the TV, the radio.

Be present to those around you.
Loved ones reflect the best in ourselves and in the world.
Walk your dog, hug your cat; kiss your partner, your mom, your best friend.

Be gracious for what you have.
Physical objects are temporal; they cannot define you.
Don’t buy the curtains or new purse; find joy in a clean home and a favorite shirt.

Be trusting of the future.
Worry cannot create a new reality.
Put your faith in God, the universe, your family, yourself – whoever speaks to you.

Be gentle with yourself.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Making it right

Truth moment: I haven't worked out since my blog post, Pity party for one. For those of you who hate doing quick math in your head, that's 13 days of coming up with excuses and pretending that there wouldn't be any consequences for my actions. At first it was legit. I was sick for a couple of days and it would not have benefited anyone for me to hit up the gym. But those days quickly turned into a week and I was on a one-way street to destruction.

The worst part about my lack of exercise is that I noticed a difference in all aspects of my life. During those 13 days, I felt off because I wasn't sleeping as well, food impacted me differently because I was eating out for too many meals, and I was noticing that I was unnecessarily bringing negative energy to my life. At first I thought it was because of the awful weather we've been experiencing in the Midwest but then I had my "ah ha...get real" moment yesterday morning when I was walking up the stairs at work and noticed that it took a little bit more energy out of me than it should have and my pants were feeling snug! That had nothing to do with you, Mother Nature. It was all about me and the decisions I was making; It was time for this girl to get back to the gym, especially because I signed up to run the Chicago Women's Half Marathon & 5k in June.

I'm glad that I made a you-turn from the destructive road that I was on and am now headed in the right direction. I ran a few miles last night, participated in my favorite fitness class WERQ, had dinner at home, and slept like a baby! I felt so great when I woke up this morning that I did Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred with my roommate and made myself a delicious veggie omelet for breakfast. We all have bad days that impact the decisions we make. But we have to be true to ourselves and take ownership of them. As the saying goes: life is not about making the right decision. It's about making a decision and make it right. So, this girl decided to make things right by deciding to get back on the bandwagon/my workout routine because...

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Another Year Down, Another Year Blessed!

There is something about birthdays that makes you feel like you are the most loved person in the world! Thank you friends, family, and colleagues for the touching cards, amazing gifts, phone calls, text messages, social media shout outs, delicious meals, and for playing such an important role in my life. If this next year is indicative of how happy I was on April 11, I know that there are good things in store for me.

A few of my closest girlfriends got together for dinner at Girl & the Goat. Although I don't usually like tapas restaurants, Girl & the Goat may be one of my new favorite restaurants in the city! My friend S had to make reservations months in advance so make sure to plan accordingly when you check it out. (It's that good- you will thank me later!). Make sure you get the Pig Face, Scallops, and Mussels! 

Cheers to be 20 something years old! Don't we all stop counting after 21 ;)

With love, A

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Pity party for one

Thank goodness for hot tea!
This morning I literally woke up on the wrong side of the bed- sore throat, no voice, bad cough, achy stomach, and an intense feeling of guilt because I knew I couldn't make it to work today. (YES, I managed to "score" an invite to a pity party for one... but, unfortunately, I really don't feel well at all!) I'll spare you and won't go into detail about how awful I feel (you're welcome) because the poem I found, below, this morning when I goggled "sick of being sick" describes my status well.

Being sick clouds my mind

I am sick 
I feel like crap 
my nose is leaking 
just want to nap 

My sight is blurry 
my throat just hurts 
read medicine labels 
for caution alerts 

been drinking juices 
and blowing my nose 
my body screams aches 
from head to my toes 

won't go to the doctor 
will just stay in bed 
while gibberish poems 
dance in my head 

just watching TV 
screening old movies 
will old characters help 
and simply behoove me 

I'm seeking ideas 
my head in a cloud 
quiet shy ladies 
or men who are loud 

The story lines blur 
as I fall fast asleep 
thoughts are all jumbled 
some goofy some deep 

I wake up and ponder 
what time is it now 
juice and more vitamins 
give false hope somehow 

I hate being sick 
my mind doesn't work 
I wish I was healthy 
my normal self quirk. 

Monday, April 1, 2013

Marching Through Life

Hello Friends,

Am I the only person who woke up today, shocked, that it's already April!?  Anyone else agree that we are quickly "marching" through life these days? Seriously, every day I gain a better understanding of the phrase, "Time flies." Perhaps I should embrace the saying YOLO (you only live once) because this lady is not getting any younger!

Speaking of, today marks the beginning of my birthday month! Yes, I am one of those over-the-top people! Before some of you judge me, hear me out for one quick second. I love birthdays because it's a great opportunity for me to reflect and it encourages me to set personal goals for the upcoming year. Don't worry my new year resolution accountability partners, my birthday goals are always part of my year- long goals. I'll follow up with my list once it's finalized.

On another note, remember how I told y'all in my blog post New Year, New Natu that I wanted to re-create my self this year? Well, I kind of did something big this past weekend to hold me accountable to my goal....

YES, the rumors are true! I got a short and sassy new look because sometimes a change will do you good! What do y'all think? Also, please keep me posted on recent changes to your life. Happy April, everyone.