Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A Pinterest inspired purchase

To all of y'all who have been following my blog for a while, you know that I am pretty much obsessed with Pinterest. In fact, I often tell my close friends that I wish I could live 1/2 of the life that I pin. I'd be the world's best cook, best dressed, and most inspirational gal with a killer body. I'd have unlimited funds that would allow me to design a house that every home and garden magazine would feature on their front cover and I'd have a lot of free time to volunteer and attempt DIY projects.

Although this is clearly not my reality, lately I have been telling people that I want to take action and re-create the multiple images that I pin and like on the website. I thought I was going to start off with a new recipe but there was a slight change of plans because my friend V hooked me up with a legit coupon to Macy's this morning. It was too good to pass and I instantly asked myself, "Why not get the white Michael Kor's watch you pinned a few weeks ago!?"

I am not one to spend money on myself but I couldn't get the phrase "treat yo self" out of my mind all day. (PLUS I had a coupon). I'm glad I listened to my inner voice and headed straight to the store after work. Not going to lie- pretty excited about my new Pinterest-inspired addition to my watch collection! What do y'all think of my new purchase?

Thanks, V!
P.S.- If you are totally confused about what Pinterest is (cough... Mama), feel free check our this website so you can get down with the lingo.

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