Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Pity party for one

Thank goodness for hot tea!
This morning I literally woke up on the wrong side of the bed- sore throat, no voice, bad cough, achy stomach, and an intense feeling of guilt because I knew I couldn't make it to work today. (YES, I managed to "score" an invite to a pity party for one... but, unfortunately, I really don't feel well at all!) I'll spare you and won't go into detail about how awful I feel (you're welcome) because the poem I found, below, this morning when I goggled "sick of being sick" describes my status well.

Being sick clouds my mind

I am sick 
I feel like crap 
my nose is leaking 
just want to nap 

My sight is blurry 
my throat just hurts 
read medicine labels 
for caution alerts 

been drinking juices 
and blowing my nose 
my body screams aches 
from head to my toes 

won't go to the doctor 
will just stay in bed 
while gibberish poems 
dance in my head 

just watching TV 
screening old movies 
will old characters help 
and simply behoove me 

I'm seeking ideas 
my head in a cloud 
quiet shy ladies 
or men who are loud 

The story lines blur 
as I fall fast asleep 
thoughts are all jumbled 
some goofy some deep 

I wake up and ponder 
what time is it now 
juice and more vitamins 
give false hope somehow 

I hate being sick 
my mind doesn't work 
I wish I was healthy 
my normal self quirk. 

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