Sunday, December 29, 2013

An Unexpected Holiday Cheer

I's been 5 months. But I didn't feel that it would be right to count down to 2014 without reaching out to y'all to let you know that I am alive and wish you holiday cheer. How did you spend your holiday this year? Hopefully you were lucky to be surrounded by the things that matter the most during this time of the year-- family, friends, laughter, love, and my main man, JC.

Long story short, my family and I planned to spend Christmas in the Congo, DRC this year, per my sweet grandma's request. Although my family, friends, colleagues, and students were probably annoyed by how often I mentioned my trip, I don't think I need to can apologize because there is no better feeling than knowing that you are going back home to a continent that you left over 20 years ago. Additionally, it was an added bonus that I tricked someone at CVS to let me smile in my passport picture because it accurately displays my joy of being Congolese-American.

However, my family and I, sadly, had to postpone our trip at the last minute due to visa issues. (Insert brief moment of stress and disappointment). For a quick second I thought that I'd have to spend my first Christmas alone because flights were outrageous. A flight to Omaha should never be in the same price range as one to Europe! Homaha, je t'aime (I love you) but you are no Paris, France. Does anyone else remember the good ol' days when you could get a last minute RT ticket from Southwest for less than $100? I started to accept my unfortunate circumstances but thankfully the universe was on my side and hooked me up with a reduced flight that seemed to good to be true...

...which it kind of was because Delta delayed my flights  for over 24 hours due to maintenance issues 
But I have to count my blessings because I made it back Homaha and to my pleasant surprise, a piece of the Congo was waiting for me!

My sisters and me with our cousins from the Congo that we've never met in person. Just missing my wise, older brother
In the end, everything happens for a reason because I had a wonderful Christmas and am enjoying my extended trip/vaca back home.

My beautiful sister K and me
I pledge to make more time to blog and keep up with y'all in 2014 because I've genuinely missed you the past few months. 2013, you have been a great and growing year. You've allowed me to become financially savvy, improve my health, broaden my potential, prioritize my relationships, and grow in faith.  But most importantly, you've kindly reminded me who I am and what this blog is all about--A Work in Progress

Therefore, my resolutions for 2014 are a continuation of this New Year, New Natu

"Cheers to a new year and another chance to get it right," Oprah.
Happy YOU year, y'all. Let's raise a glass to 2014 being your best year yet. Get yours!

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