Tuesday, July 3, 2012

It happens for a reason

I am going to make a bold statement and assume that everyone (if not most people) has heard the saying “Everything happens for a reason.” I know…add it to your list of the “top 10 clichés of this lifetime” but there is seriously some truth in this statement.

For example, during my early 20s (I know that’s not saying much considering that I am only 25) I encountered a book that has positively impacted the way that I live my life. It’s called Get Yours! The Girlfriends’ Guide to Having Everything You’ve Ever Dreamed of and More by Amy Dubois Barnett (2007). If you have not had the chance to read it, drop what you are doing and purchase it YESTERDAY.

Amy, I know that we have never met but, girlfriend, THANK YOU for empowering me to truly get mine! We only get to live our life once so why not make the most out of it and live the best one possible?

The purpose of this blog was inspired by a powerful lesson I learned from my girl Aim. I guess we are on that level now. In her book, Dubois Barnett (2007) encourages her readers to “Push yourself towards your best life every single day in every single area—health, career, family, friends, and relationships” (p. xvi).  In my attempt to meet this expectation and work towards living a better lifestyle, I have decided that I might as well share my progress with the universe. Perhaps my blog entries will make you laugh, cry, or challenge you in one way or another. However, I hope that my stories do for you what Dubois Barnett’s  (2007) did for me—celebrate and live your life!

On that note… cheers to this next chapter in my life. I am in a new city, have new opportunities, and therefore can create a new me. 

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